Safety is paramount. Quality is essential. The environment is our future.
We are an ISO 9001:2015 (quality management system) and ISO 3834 (welding) certified company and we work in accordance with ISO 14001 and ISO 18001.
Safety is paramount; our goal is that no harm comes to any of our employees or visitors. We strive to achieve this every day and are constantly looking at how our working environment can be made safer.
Quality is essential. We know how important quality is to our customers and it is at the forefront of all that we do. Driven through our Quality Management System we implement processes and procedures that allow quality to be achieved. The team here at Washington Components take great pride in manufacturing and delivering quality products day in day out. In order to achieve these high standards we are continuously investing in people and equipment.
The Environment is our future. We all need to play our part in protecting the environment and at Washington Components we are constantly looking at way to reduce our environmental impact. From onsite waste recycling to Solar Panels on our roof we know that even small changes can make a big difference. We are working on reducing our carbon footprint; our goal is to be Carbon Neutral.